Northern Resource Trucking

NRTLP operates a large fleet of very big trucks including vans, decks, and super B trains.  We haul just about everything including consumables, mining materials, liquid bulk and dry bulk commodities and mining machinery.

Most importantly we do it safely. NRT’s long term safety record is the envy of the industry.  In fact, we operate our own training division and we have trained hundreds of truckers.  Some of those graduates now work for NRT and others perform other driving jobs safely across the North.

NRT was formed in 1986 by Kitsaki in partnership with Trimac Transportation.  The business has grown, and the ownership base has also grown to now include eleven First Nation and Metis communities.  Our geographic base is also expanding as NRT has now left the confines of Northern Saskatchewan and we now work in Alberta, Manitoba and northwestern Ontario.

NRT is registered with ISNetworld.
