Two decades of growth at AGI with Andrea Harrabek

When Andrea Harrabek stepped into the role of AGI receptionist in August 2001, she had no idea it would grow into the dynamic, fulfilling career she has enjoyed for the last 22 years.

“Looking at the date now, it seems like a VERY long time,” she laughs.

Harrabek’s journey with AGI mirrors the growth and evolution of the company. Each role she has taken on has been a building block for the next, as she has embraced new challenges with enthusiasm and expertise.

Today, she is AGI’s Office Manager.

“I wear a lot of hats in this position,” Harrabek says. “Quality assurance, design coordination for a team of seven drafters and five engineers-in-training, document control for all projects, client relations, project coordinator assistant…and then, of course, the general office managerial duties. It sounds like a lot, and it is, but I LOVE it!”

Harrabek says her organizational and prioritization skills have played a key role in her success, crucial to her ability to manage AGI’s diverse and constant flow of projects.

“This is a crazy busy place,” Harrabek says. “No day – and no tank – is ever the same. It keeps us on our toes!”

Known for going “with the flow,” Harrabek juggles whatever comes her way while always prioritizing the client. She says she hasn’t struggled with decisions or barriers because Jeff and Wade Burton have created a supportive culture and a cooperative, inclusive environment with fair treatment and equal opportunities for all employees, including women.

“We all try to work together to get the job done,” she says. 

Away from AGI, Harrabek is a mother to three incredible children, grateful for AGI’s support of work-life balance.

“Field trips, activities — AGI has given me the flexibility to be involved in all those important moments,” she says. “You know, it goes by fast, and I really appreciate being able to have a career and also to be present with my family.”